Archive by Author

CSA’s Rule and Here’s Why

21 Jun

Organic broccoli, raab, scallions, and kale with orzo!

It’s summer time and that means a lot of awesome things. No school, swimming holes, vacations, hangin’ with pals, the list goes on. This year is my first summer in New Paltz not living on a couch, so I’m already off to a great start, but there are a few things that I’m really really excited about, and my CSA is one of them.

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, Continue reading

Tales of a Broke Twenty-Something Year Old: Yard Sale Edition

5 Jun

I’m sure I’m singing the tune of many when I say I’m under-employed and not doin’ so hot in the green-bags department. I’m also sure I’m not the only person who’s lost sleep over money issues, and mine probably are far less serious than some; but when I woke up from what little sleep I did have after a dream about soliciting myself outside a local Dunkin’ Donuts, I decided I needed to get a bit proactive.

Over the past week I’ve made several moves to get myself some extra cash and over the past year or so have made slight alterations to my lifestyle and the products I do (or don’t) buy, which not only saves money, but is good for a whole bunch of other reasons too. Continue reading

Beard of the Week: February 2

2 Feb

Welcome to February, arguably one of the crappiest months of the year. We’ve got Valentines day, football madness, and today the groundhog didn’t see his shadow which means we’ve got six weeks of more pleasant weather to look forward to!

But have no fear, because I have a quite a list of beards to give to all you which, trust me, will keep you nice and warm during the next few cold weeks!

This week’s beard belongs to someone who most might call a “man’s man”, I have enough issues with that statement, but I figure it’s important when discussing the quality of one’s beard. Continue reading

Beard of the Week: January 26

26 Jan

It’s Thursday! Which means it’s time for yet one more lovely beard to be honored over here at Beard of the Week!

Let’s go back to the sports world, with the help of pal (and new roomie!), Justin, I’ve come across quite a beard.

Pitcher for the San Francisco Giants, Brian Wilson!

I think that photograph says it all. Continue reading

Beard of the Week: January 19

19 Jan

This week’s beard is another obvious winner, but I decided to do it anyway because this man is just so darn handsome (dare I say, even without a beard?), that I had to.

I can’t count how many times I’ve used the phrase, “Oh, he’s a total Clooney.” And with good reason, beard lovers, I present you with Mr. George Clooney!

I mean, the smile, the eyes, and the obnoxious amount of charm Continue reading

Beard of the Week: January 12

12 Jan

Welcome back!

This week’s beard is one I didn’t even know existed. My interest was piqued after watching Mrs. Doubtfire for the seven millionth time since I was four years old. I said, “Man, that Pierce Brosnan is a total hunk…I wonder…”

Off to Google I went and I found THIS Continue reading

Beard of the Week: January 5

5 Jan

This week’s beard is one I’m newly obsessed with.

Ladies and gents, Ryan Gosling!

I’ve been watching his movies all week, and let me say, he’s just plain wonderful. There’s nothing better than the image of him hacking away at a piece of wood in the Notebook. Movie? Not so great. Beard? Stellar. Continue reading

I Probably Don’t Like You.

4 Jan

I was going to write an article about my favorite things about 2011, but then I realized I am not in fact Oprah, and no one probably cares about what my favorite things are.

I have decided to write about something else though, something that has been coming up more in recent months than it ever has before. Apparently people are often confused about my feelings for them? Now, with a little alcohol I’m pretty much an open book about any of my thoughts, but honestly, I’ve always considered myself pretty friendly and usually approachable. I do tend to wear my feelings Continue reading

Beard of the Week: December 29

29 Dec

This week’s beard was a long time coming. He’s The Dude, he’s that bad guy in Iron Man, he’s got True Grit, he stares at goats, he’s…I forget what other movies he’s in, but do you know what I’ll never forget?


Look at this hunk when he Continue reading

Beard of the Week: December 21

21 Dec

Last week was finals week so I gave myself permission to take a break, but I’m back and ready to share the wonderful beards of the world with…the world…

Anyway, Sunday is Christmas, and for all of you who are either Christian or just slaves to our consumer-driven culture, we all know that Santa is kind of this weeks honoree by default. But! I decided since he’s not real, I’m not going to make him the sole honoree this week. Hell, I’m not even gonna put his picture up!

This post is 100% created by my friend Justin, he both gave me a dude to honor and told me what to include. I’m just giving credit where credit is due.

So this week let’s take a look at sports. Basketball, anyone?

James Harden apparently Continue reading