Tag Archives: Boards of Canada

The Self-Hating Hipster’s Top 51 Tracks of 2011

22 Jan

As promised, below you will find the Self-Hating Hipster’s T0p 51 Tracks of 2011 thanks to a scramble at my lake house, indirectly motivated by six girls working on their Masters theses.  I actually mistakenly published the article about a week ago but quickly made it “Private” so as not to give you readers a glimpse of the SHH in his article underpants.  I didn’t realize (stoopit!) what a massive undertaking this article would prove to be as a solo project.  I know it’s too late, but I’m hoping that you don’t find it to be too little.  I’ve been really busy with my job lately, and in the words of Garth Marenghi, “I’m not Jesus Christ…I’ve come to accept that now.”

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51.  Fucked Up – “Queen of Hearts”

David Comes to Life

Fucked Up adds a cute, poppy flare to post-hardcore as evidenced by “Queen of Hearts.”

“Hello, my name is David!”  Hi, David.  “Let’s be together!  Let’s fall in love!”

Stop yelling, David. Continue reading

Tycho – Dive

12 Dec

My friend Andy recommended this album to me calling it a “solid effort.”  If I were in the business of writing two-word reviews, I could have stopped there.

Tycho (Scott Hansen) is a San Francisco based producer, graphic designer and musician…a sort of modern day, electronic renaissance man.  “Dive” is Tycho’s second LP and evidence of his range of talent.  Aside from gorgeous cover art, the songs themselves force you to Continue reading

Strangeness on a Train

26 Sep

I decided to take a train back from NYC because the Megabus, though inexpensive, is entirely unreliable and I usually get parked near the bathroom.  I bought a ticket for the 7:15 departing from Penn Station, and in typical me fashion, I hailed a cab slightly wine-drunk at 6:35 with (piloted by the angriest middle easterner I’ve ever had to deal with) and ended up in line for my ticket at 7:11.

The train was on time and so I hustled with my dorky, over-sized duffle down the escalator nearly KO’ing an elderly woman.  The first and second cars were packed.  To my elation, there was an open seat next to an adorable, pocket-sized hipster girl in the first row of the third car.  I politely asked if I could sit next to her to which she replied a nearly inaudible “yup” (or “yum”…I was kind of hoping it was “yum”).  I vaulted the early 90’s Adidas competitive badminton player edition duffel onto the luggage rack, grabbed my supplies and sat down.

Then the anxiety set in.

I realized a number of things.  I had a clear sweat-stripe across my polo shirt from sprinting to the train.  My breath reeked of wine and I was out of mints.  My “supplies” were my iPod, headphones and my Nintendo DS…I knew I should have brought a god damn book.  I made eye-contact with her with a face that was to read “I realize that I look like a complete nerd but would you consider converstion in spite of that?” but as I did, my headphones ravaged my eardrums with full-volume Boards of Canada (I must remember to always check the volume if my iPod has been in my pocket).  I was left convulsing and she promptly faced the window.

It was a quiet ride.