Tag Archives: Parallax

Lotus Plaza – Spooky Action at a Distance

16 Apr

Lotus Plaza is the solo project of Deerhunter guitarist Lockett Pundt.  Spooky Action at a Distance is Pundt’s second release after 2009’s very bright but somewhat washed-out debut, The Floodlight Collective.  Like Deerhunter frontman and bandmate Bradford Cox did with last year’s Parallax (#2 on my Top 11 Albums of 2011), Lockett Pundt proves once again that members of busy bands can produce wonderful things on their own time.  It should also be noted that the outspoken Pundt may be the Continue reading

The Self-Hating Hipster’s Top 51 Tracks of 2011

22 Jan

As promised, below you will find the Self-Hating Hipster’s T0p 51 Tracks of 2011 thanks to a scramble at my lake house, indirectly motivated by six girls working on their Masters theses.  I actually mistakenly published the article about a week ago but quickly made it “Private” so as not to give you readers a glimpse of the SHH in his article underpants.  I didn’t realize (stoopit!) what a massive undertaking this article would prove to be as a solo project.  I know it’s too late, but I’m hoping that you don’t find it to be too little.  I’ve been really busy with my job lately, and in the words of Garth Marenghi, “I’m not Jesus Christ…I’ve come to accept that now.”

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51.  Fucked Up – “Queen of Hearts”

David Comes to Life

Fucked Up adds a cute, poppy flare to post-hardcore as evidenced by “Queen of Hearts.”

“Hello, my name is David!”  Hi, David.  “Let’s be together!  Let’s fall in love!”

Stop yelling, David. Continue reading

The Self-Hating Hipster’s Top 11 Albums of 2011

2 Jan

This year in music has been a bit lackluster, but that doesn’t mean that there weren’t a few diamonds in the rough.  2011 seems to have been the year of dubstep/chillwave and indie rock rehashes of the past four decades in music. Some did it better than others.

Due to the fact that I drag-assed on this article which was supposed to be released in 2011 (i.e. two days ago) but instead finds itself released on January, 2nd 2012 and because there were a few albums that were almost too close to call, the Top 11 has become the Top 12.  Consider it either a late penalty or a bonus. Continue reading