Tag Archives: London Fields

Amis – The Rachel Papers

30 Oct

The Rachel Papers by Martin Amis (1973)

Hipster Highway.

This was the fourth novel that I read by Amis (I’ve since read Dead Babies) and the second that I have reviewed.  It’s a very quick and satisfying read.  The Rachel Papers also, more than any other Amis novel, makes me want to visit London.

Charles Highway is by far the most likable protagonist of the Amis works that I have read.  His witty repartee and unmistakably teenaged sexual neuroticism are all too familiar and terribly fun.  That being said, Continue reading

Amis – Dead Babies

24 Aug

Dead Babies by Martin Amis (1975)

Those books.

Martin Amis is a master of debauchery, depravity and douchebaggery.  Amis’ second novel, Dead Babies, is well-written, dark and hysterical at times.  That being said, his novels often contain characters that though wildly entertaining, elicit little or no sympathy from the reader.  Dead Babies is no exception.

Perhaps Lucy Littlejohn, the “golden-hearted whore” as we are told even before the novel starts, is deserving of sympathy.  She at least has a heart as evidenced by her Continue reading