Tag Archives: Joy Division

Hook – Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division

18 Apr

Unknown Pleasures Inside Joy Division

Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division by Peter Hook (2013)

This is a book that I was so excited about that I pre-ordered it twice (a drunken oversight as the book’s publication was backed out a few months).  Not only was there a new back-story to one of my all-time favorite bands, it was told by the band’s bassist.   Continue reading

Reynolds – Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews

18 Jun

Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews by Simon Reynolds (2010)

Simon Reynolds is one of the most critically acclaimed music journalists of the past decade and has found himself the authority on both 90’s electronic dance music and the post-punk movement of the late 70’s and early 80’s.  If his 2006 release Rip It Up and Start Again: Post-Punk 1978-1984 is Continue reading

The SHH Guide to Porters

15 Jan

IT FINALLY SNOWED! After what seemed like forever, there is snow on the ground where I live.  It is officially winter.  The holidays are over and there is nothing but the grey sky and shoveling for two/three months.  Refreshment be damned; it’s about staying warm.  Stouts get all the love, and I’ve been on a porter kick lately [Ed’s note – not a euphemism] so I decided to crack an egg of knowledge all on all ya’ll. Porter: the other dark beer.  Wikipedia’s got a whole bunch of facts that you can read if you want, but since I already did that just sit tight.  Anyways, you know the band Joy Division? Yeah, Love Will Tear Us Apart and all that.  Porter is what all their dad’s drank after a hard day at a Manchester textile factory.  Your son would be depressed enough to write “The Eternal,” too.   Continue reading