Tag Archives: David Watson

The Self-Hating Hipster’s Top 12 Albums of 2012

24 Jan

2012 Albums

Year-end articles always seem rather arbitrary and questionably pointless, but one thing is for certain…this year-end article is late.  It’s already the fourth week of January 2013!  To make the list even more arbitrary I decided to do the Top 12 of 2012 (I did the Top 11 of 2011 last year) and you can expect the Top 52 Tracks of 2012 soon.  I refuse to make honorable mentions as that defeats the purpose.  I hope that you deem this article worthy of reading despite its tardy release. Continue reading

Glacial – On Jones Beach

8 Aug

Glacial is an impressively eclectic trio: Sonic Youth’s Lee Ranaldo on guitar, The Necks’ Tony Buck on drums and Highland Bagpipes’ contributor David Watson on, well, bagpipes.  The fact that this album is one 48-minute track, it’s an instrumental and bagpipes are involved might immediately sound like a kitschy experiment Continue reading