Tag Archives: John Peel

Reynolds – Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews

18 Jun

Totally Wired: Post-Punk Interviews and Overviews by Simon Reynolds (2010)

Simon Reynolds is one of the most critically acclaimed music journalists of the past decade and has found himself the authority on both 90’s electronic dance music and the post-punk movement of the late 70’s and early 80’s.  If his 2006 release Rip It Up and Start Again: Post-Punk 1978-1984 is Continue reading

Lessons in Post-Rock, Final Episode: Mogwai

31 Jan

Every time I listen to Government Commisions (Mogwai’s collection of live recordings from the BBC) I get the same feeling. Radio 1 DJ John Peel introduces them in a minimalist, but succinct and no-nonsense way: “Ladies and gentlemen… Mogwai.” My heart starts beating faster, breath shorter. I can feel the little hairs in my ears and the small brittle bones in my eardrum perking up in anticipation. Mogwai.

It all begins and ends with Mogwai. In a mere moment Continue reading