Tag Archives: Estui

John Talabot – ƒIN

15 Feb

The album title and the artist’s last name (despite “John” vs. “Jean”) had me assuming an early 2000’s Parisian house sound.  Barcelona’s John Talabot does incorporate elements of house in his debut, ƒIN, however it is far from sounding dated.  The musical chronology is intentionally skewed with track titles like “Destiny” (implying future), “When the Past Was Present” and “So Will Be Now…”  Talabot, like some of his other successful contemporary electronic genre-benders in Sepalcure and Gang Gang Dance, savvily blends deep house, world music, disco, funk, club and dub-steppy indie pop into one easy-to-swallow pill.

Talabot’s genre shape-shifting is polished with his attention to tracking so Continue reading