Tag Archives: Big Star

Jovanovic – Seeing the Light: Inside the Velvet Underground

17 Jul

Seeing the Light: Inside the Velvet Underground by Rob Jovanovic (2010)

Republished on Pop ‘stache after some tidying up…

Lou Reed: “We put a ship in the water, it turned out to be a turbo-powered sub and it took a while for it to land wherever it landed.  Time was the real judge.  The proof was in the work, and the work is on the record.”

SHH: “Rob Jovanovic put out a book on The Velvets, it turned out to be a slow-chugging sub and although it infrequently put its periscope up for an interesting anecdote, it never lands.  The proof is in the shlock, and the shlock is in the book.”

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Rob Jovanovic has penned very competent and comprehensive books on artists including R.E.M., Pavement and Big Star.  His latest book on music is Seeing the Light Continue reading